Throughout our entire lives, the one thing that we desire the most is having the earliest big break but often that is a stone, in a nutshell, it gets so frustrating because nobody understands your goals and ambitions. To some people finding their big break is very easy but to some, it can get muddled. I hear a lot of people complain about how they are unhappy with their jobs and how they have been working so hard on a project or on a job but do not ever get to see results that look appealing to their hunger, honestly I think the smallest things that we neglect are the ones that might break the loop and free you. In this part of my blog, I am going to share with you things that you can start doing today and actually get your break.

Let's, Landa!


Photo by Anna Shvets:

           One catalyst that really works if you are tired of working and you want to be financially free is cutting your living costs. You see sometimes we go just a little too far on our spending that we get so comfortable about turning our pockets into dust. That is the reason why we should get out of that comfort zone of spending more than we can earn if we were to get any closer to breaking that loop. When you learn how to cut costs you will start living life the millionaire way, many times we flood our heads that once you become a millionaire you spend like a crazy monkey but it is the opposite. If you were spending $200 on clothing every month, slice that amount into a quarter, and start spending $50 on clothing. If your budget for household groceries was $500 make that $300 see how it turns out. The problem is, even when we are getting little at the end of the month we try by all means to live large, but that's not healthy for you. You see, cutting your expenses will enable you to seek greener pastures that you can indulge yourself in, not to mention the feeling that you get after saving is just real and there is nothing like it. Let's cut expenses, everybody!


Photo by cottonbro:


        So you have managed to save what's next? Invest my friend, let me give you a scenario. Catherine was given a decent bowl in its content was dried peanuts, according to the person who gave Catherine the groundnuts said Catherine was to do anything with the nuts that were given to her. Catherine was tempted to do all kinds of stuff with those peanuts, it varied from roasting them and eating them, roasting them and making peanut butter, boiling them and eating them, and surprisingly pounding the nuts into powder and mixing it with her favourite vegetables but what Catherine decided to do revolutionised her entire family and changed the trajectory of her status in her community. She decided to invest the peanuts instead, also you should bear in mind that it was a sack of peanuts that was given to her but a bowl, she planted the peanuts in a field not bigger than a typical living room. When her crops were ready to harvest, she harvested not more than a gallon of peanuts, which she went ahead and sow in a bigger field this time. After three years Catherine was a big baller, when she was able to sell her products she went on and invested in other ventures like a crazy monkey. It does not matter how much money you have on you, you can start anywhere. After all small does not matter, whether you will start or you continue that's all that matters.


Photo by Miriam Alonso:

         Now I am sure this is a principle we have been exposed to since childhood but in case this is the first time you are hearing about this, let me break it down for you. If your monthly salary was $800, and when that money comes into your hands you spend 150% of it. It means you are spending more than you are likely earning monthly, but wait 150% what is that? Your salary is $800, to be precise that is your 100%. Now, what the molly is 50%? If my calculations are correct 50% more that's equivalent to $533, let's add that up, shall we? 800+533= $1333 whoah! nice one, or not? 

What that extra 50% will do to your financial situation is that it is going to make you continue in the debt loop where every month you will owe someone money. Once in this loop, it becomes even harder to leave because the only way you will sustain yourself and your family is by borrowing more, this happens due to the fact that every single month you are returning money to the people you are owing again to fill the gap that has been left you borrow some more, the process repeats itself for many years thus bringing poverty in people's lives.


Photo by Anna Nekrashevich:

         When I was just starting I thought when they say passive income they mean quit your job, it took me some good years to wrap my head around it and what it truly meant. What is passive income? Passive income is income that can be earned automatically with minimal labour to earn or maintain. It is called progressive passive income when the earner expends little effort to grow the income. In simple terms, this is the kind of income that you do not have to make your heart race just for you to earn, this is the kind of earning that you get even in your sleep, you can be in the Sahara desert and be earning every second, every minute, or even every hour! Sounds good, right? but how do you exactly have your own passive income network? the options are endless, you have a motel in Tuvalu islands and charge per hour while you are in Iceland, you can publish an ebook on KDP and earn accordingly, you can have an online Merch store and earn respectively. Anything that you can manage without your physical presence with ease and with low maintenance costs can be your side hustle my friend. Find yours...

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Check out today's video courtesy of youtube and the Rich Dad Poor Dad channel;


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