The question is, what are Millenials? 

Millennials are people who were born after the year 1984 till to date, yes you are a Millenial, my friend. What are the common behaviours that most millennials have? at times they are said to be lazy, I mean seriously! I work 10 hours a day and you call me lazy!? Truth hurts, due to the failed parenting strategies Millenials are considered to be so soft that they can easily break(their words not mine). They grow up on words such as "you are very special"...." we love you so much"......." you are our angel" but does this have any harm? Yes!! you see combining all of those words forms a Nuke that affects that child for the rest of their lifetime, thinking they are so special that they can get anything they will ever desire but a life well, it hits them sideways. Their entire lives are wrapped in being comforted or be miserable for the rest of the week. There are so dependent on human companies that their phones are everything! to them, they go to college, get a degree and come back home. If no one is offering a high paying job with benefits, they would rather sleep at home 24/7. They are so out of focus that they start things and leave them halfway.

The world is a fast-shaping object which is becoming more and more competitive every day, out there it is becoming hard to survive because millionaires are becoming billionaires and the mid-class is fighting to keep their status.

Here are some of the reasons why most Millenials are living in poverty;


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        It has been indagated that only 10% of the world's leaders are natural leaders, the rest well you guessed it. Due to this reason, most of the time we are not led by a leader who has visions of how he or she can improve the living standards of his people but on how he can improve his home, they base their ruling on the cabinet pumping him with all crazy moves they can think about. Being an able leader means you will listen to what the people are saying and do what is right. Because large sums of the money go into politicians' pockets, there is little money left to develop the country or to invest in youth empowering projects, leaving those who can not have exclusive access to those funds vulnerable.

In some instances, they allow foreigners to invest in certain industries and not spur the general public to invest in that same industry, crippling almost all of their citizens, because they can not have a direct connection with the POT of wealth. Because we are ruled by leaders who know nothing about governance, there are real opportunities for personal development or any kind of development, that is the reason why when we are voting we have to choose an individual that will be inclusive and person will not tolerate corruption. Corruption is the core root of all sufferings when the people up top are bagging big money while the rest of the society are bagging nothing suffering plunges like a thirsty volcano!


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     Normally a child is raised to the standards that parents think are up to the challenge, but all of that changes when that child grows up because certain things that they do when they are alone result in loss of confidence in every sense. Someone can have a great idea about how he or she can help people filter water and purify it in the safest way possible but because they can not stand on their own feet, it becomes unfeasible to get that idea out to the people. Confidence is self-belief that you can use to get anything out there done, whether it is presenting in a meeting or talking your peers into a particular idea. Being confident is believing in yourself and acknowledging that everything that you will be doing will actually set you for life. a lot of times we ask ourselves questions like what is he gonna say about? how will he react to this project? what if she saw me doing this? my friend screw them, you came into this world alone and you are going to leave alone, what they think, what they see, what they feel, it should not matter to you because your priority is you and your personal development.

Do what you can and do the best you can.


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     A lot of times we deceive ourselves by imagining things that we are going to do when we complete a particular phase of education, only to find out that it can not be done. It is not bad to imagine or conceptualize how our future will look like whilst you know that your current actions are not adding up to what you are visualizing. When you are in your last year of university, you know that when you graduate you are going to look for a job but what you have to keep in mind is that as a rookie, they will never surrender the highest seat for you, always remember to start small and aim for the moon. If you are really focused on what you are doing, you will even stop visualizing but rather put in more work.

These expectations affect 90% of Millenials up to this day, It is just like on your birthday, you know that when that day comes someone that you know will go to the store and order a cake for you but when it is your birthday and you find that there is no cake, your heart shutters in halves, expectations are completely overrated, they are nice to have do not get me wrong, because for once they help feel good but at the same time very poisonous. As you are living in this world you have to accept the way things are and the way things come and say to yourself what can I do about this situation? let us learn to expect less, then we will be alright. We are so emotional and when things do not happen we break down, and mostly those who are affected are the ones we live with.

Once again it has been a pleasure sharing with you guys, hey guys I have a book that I think is very good at self-development and how best you can work with yourself. Specifically written for young kings out there but please even you are as old as my grandmother you can ahead and support the movement, the book is called these streets(get embarrassed to get fade).

Here is a link you can use to find it on any online store out there.



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